Get to know Alex.

Alex Rule has served Grace of Christ and our community in the Yakima valley for six years. Pastor Alex served our “Gracia de Cristo," the Spanish-speaking arm of our Church Family; he also spearheads our outreach to the Latino community at Adams Elementary. He has been working with great passion with adult programs in different organizations such as the Yakima Union Gospel Mission, Ready-by-5 and others.

Alex loves nature, reading, music, playing soccer, rollerblading, swimming and hiking. He likes to encourage others to read the Bible every day, serve the community, and learn something new.

Connect With Alex


Alex Rule ha servido a Grace of Christ y a nuestra comunidad en el valle de Yakima durante seis años. Sirve como pastor laico de nuestra familia de la iglesia de habla hispana: "Gracia de Cristo" y el ministerio de alcance comunitario hispano. Ha estado trabajando con gran pasión con programas para adultos en diferentes organizaciones, como la Misión del Evangelio de la Unión Yakima, Ready-by-5 y otras.

Alex ama la naturaleza, la lectura, la música, jugar al fútbol, patinar, nadar y caminar. Le gusta animar a otros a leer la Biblia todos los días, servir a la comunidad y aprender algo nuevo.

Conectar con Alex